Package Installation
Laravel I18n package can be installed via Composer, with this command:
composer require richan-fongdasen/laravel-i18n
Preparing the database
If you're planning to store the supported languages in a database table, you need to publish the migration first:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RichanFongdasen\I18n\ServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
After that, you need to run the published migrations.
php artisan migrate
Publishing the languages.json
As an alternative to storing the supported languages in a database table, you can also store the supported languages in a JSON file. First, you need to publish the JSON example with this command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RichanFongdasen\I18n\ServiceProvider" --tag="languages.json"
Then, you can manage the languages data in storage/i18n/languages.json
Publishing the config file
It is not required to publish the config file. But it is necessary if you intend to override the default configuration.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RichanFongdasen\I18n\ServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the default content of the config file:
return [
| Language repository driver
| Define your language repository driver here. The available options are:
| database and json.
'driver' => 'json',
| Language repository datasource
| Define your language repository datasource here.
| - Define your database table name, when you're using database driver.
| - Define your json file path, when you're using json driver.
'language_datasource' => storage_path('i18n/languages.json'),
// 'language_datasource' => 'languages',
| Language model
| Define the model class name to manage the language resources.
'language_model' => \RichanFongdasen\I18n\Eloquent\Models\Language::class,
| Cache duration
| Define how long we should cache the language dataset in seconds.
'cache_duration' => 60 * 60 * 24,
| Language key
| Define which language key in datasource that we should use.
| Available options are:
| - language, ie: en, es, de, etc.
| - ietfCode, ie: en-US, en-UK, de-DE, etc.
'language_key' => 'language',
| API query key
| Define the query parameter name which will be used as language selector
| in every API request.
| e.g: http://localhost:8000/api/articles?lang=en
'api_query_key' => 'lang',
| Language negotiator class
| Define your language negotiator class here.
| The class should implement LanguageNegotiator contract / interface.
'negotiator' => \RichanFongdasen\I18n\Negotiators\BrowserNegotiator::class,
| Locale URL segment number
| Define which url segment number that will be used to put the current
| locale information. URL segment is started with '1'.
| e.g:
'locale_url_segment' => 1,
| Translation table suffix
| Define your preferred suffix to be appended to your database's
| translation table name.
'translation_table_suffix' => 'translations',
| Translation model class name
| Define the model class name to store the translation values.
'translation_model' => \RichanFongdasen\I18n\Eloquent\Models\Translation::class,
| Enable Store to the cache
| Toggle store locale to the cache
'enable_cache' => env('I18N_ENABLE_CACHE', true),